Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: INTULEXIA The birth of Loving-Kindfulness: We might become aware of how addicted we can be to...: We might become aware of how addicted we can be to our devices, and to that 24/7 connectivity that has us always available and immediately
Author: Fraser Trevor
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INTULEXIA The birth of Loving-Kindfulness: We might become aware of how addicted we can be to...: We might become aware of how addicted we...
INTULEXIA The birth of Loving-Kindfulness: We might become aware of how addicted we can be to...: We might become aware of how addicted we can be to our devices, and to that 24/7 connectivity that has us always available and immediately.. Child within work is detective work. We have a mystery to solve. Why have we been attracted to the the type of people that we have been in relationship with in our life? Why do we react in certain ways in certain situations? Where did our behaviour patterns come from? Why do we feel so: helpless; lonely; desperate; scared; angry; suicidal.
Just starting to ask these questions, is the first stage in our healing process. It is healthy to start wondering about the cause and effect dynamics in our life.

In our dissociation, we reacted to life out of a black and white, right and wrong, belief paradigm that taught us that is was shameful and bad to be wrong, to make mistakes, to be imperfect and 
to be human. We formed our core relationship with our self and with life in early childhood based on the messages we got, the emotional trauma we suffered, and the role modelling of the adults around us. As we grew up, we built our relationship with self, other people, and life on the foundation we formed in early childhood.

Toxic shame is the belief that there is something inherently wrong with who we are, with our being. Guilt is "We made a mistake, We did something wrong." Inherited Original shame is: "We are a mistake. There is something wrong with us."
It is very important to start awakening to the Truth that there is nothing inherently wrong with our being it is our relationship with our self and with life that is dysfunctional. And that this relationship was formed in early childhood.
That is the purpose of child Within awakening to stop letting our experiences of the past dictate how we respond to life today. It cannot be done without revisiting our childhood dissociation beliefs.

We need to become aware, to raise our consciousness. To create a new level of consciousness for ourselves that allows us to observe ourselves as the child within.

It is vitally important to start observing our child within - our reactions, our feelings, our thoughts - from a child within perspective place that is not shaming.

We all have an inner critic, a critical parent voice, that beats us up with shame, judgment, and fear. The critical parent voice developed to try to control our emotions and our behaviours because we got the message there was something wrong with us and that our survival would be threatened if we did, said, or felt the historical "wrong" things.

It is an awakening to start learning how to not give power to those critical shaming voices. We need to start observing ourselves with compassion. This is almost impossible at the beginning of the child within process - having compassion for our self, being Loving to our self, is the hardest thing for us to do.

So, we need to start awakening ourselves from a more neutral perspective our perfect trapped child within. Becoming a meditational scientific observer, a detective - the perfect child within of our own inner process.

We need to start being that meditation detective, observing ourselves and asking ourselves where that reaction, thought or feeling is really coming from. Why are we feeling this way? What does this remind me of from my past? How old do we feel right now? How old did we act when that happened?

One of the amazing things about this process of awakening, is that as we start to become more aware of our own reactions, we also start to become more aware of others. We start seeing when the people in our lives are reacting like a small perfect child, or adolescent, or teenager. The more we become aware of their reactions, the easier it becomes to stop taking their behaviour personally, which then makes it easier to detach from our own reactions and observe ourselves. This starts as we forms deep meditational practice a quietening of the mind.
This is a miraculous process, that can help us to change our relationship with our self, with other people, and with life. Becoming more aware, becoming conscious of a new way of looking at ourselves and life is the beginning of a process of learning to awaken to our self/Ego.

Detectives always looks at cause and effect. By becoming a detective, solving the mystery of why we have lived our lives as we have, we can start to free ourselves from our child withins past. By awakening our child within, we can start to learn how to really be alive instead of just surviving and enduring. 


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